The information provided helps us direct your question or concern to the advocate with the most expertise. Your information is not shared outside the organization, but will help us respond to you quickly.
Advocates at The Arc Minnesota provide information and support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, family members, and trusted supporters by phone, email, and video chat.
To get started, send us your question by submitting the form below. An Advocate will contact you within 3 business days. Please see our Privacy Policy.
Our advocates can:
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We cannot provide further information about the following topics: |
We can discuss the following topics
Q: I worked with someone to create a person-centered plan. What part of my plan should I share with people
Q: I have an 11 year old son who has a diagnosis of Autism. He is being bullied by other
Question: I am the parent of a high school student with a disability and don’t know where to start when