Disability Community Members’ Housing Journeys in Minnesota is an informational video series highlighting people with disabilities and their supporters as they make their housing journeys. The series addresses the barriers they faced, the resources they used, the solutions they created, the things they learned, recommendations for improvement, and dreams and goals they have for the future. The series also highlights providers talking about local and statewide housing resources and services.
The MRQC created the video series because they wanted to bring greater awareness about the housing barriers faced by people with disabilities. Their hope is that with greater awareness comes greater support for passing policies that expand housing options and services for people with disabilities, especially affordable and accessible housing. This would not only benefit people with disabilities but people in general. Many people, whether they identify as disabled or not, benefit from policies that make things more affordable and accessible such as elevators and curb cuts. In addition, the need for more accessible housing rises as our elderly population grows every year. Passing such policies also promotes inclusion and diversity and enables more people to stay and partake in their communities.
The video series contains 8 videos total, 4 long (around 5 minutes each) and 4 short (around 1 minute each). The 4 short videos contain the same content as the longer video titled, “Advocate Housing Stories” and highlight individual advocates in each video. The entire video series can be viewed either by going onto the MRQC Housing Workgroup page or the MRQC YouTube channel. In addition to the video series, there is also a Housing Resources website which lists many of the resources and services discussed in the series plus much more. If you wish to contribute a resource to the Housing Resources website or have any questions, please complete the RQC Contact form.