Reduce MA TEFRA Parental Fees

Issue: Since 1990, the state has imposed a sliding scale parental fee on families accessing services and supports for their children with disabilities through MA-TEFRA. These fees have dramatically increased over time, making MA-TEFRA unaffordable for many Minnesota families – forcing them into debt, or foregoing the services their children need altogether.

Our goal: Reducing parental fees associated with MA-TEFRA will ensure that all Minnesota children with disabilities get the supports they need to build a foundation for success, regardless of parental income.

Improve Access to MA-TEFRA for Minnesota Families

If you missed our 2019 MA TEFRA Town Hall Forum on January 19, you can view the presentation slides here: MA-TEFRA Town Hall Presentation

Get connected with other families impacted by parental fees on the Coalition to Lower Minnesota MA-TEFRA Parental Fees Facebook page.