Ask An Advocate Q&A |

Ask An Advocate: Affordable Housing

Q. I am very concerned about affordable housing. We are trying to find housing for my adult son with intellectual and developmental disabilities and so far can’t find anything affordable.  Is The Arc Minnesota doing anything about getting more resources for affordable housing?


A.  Yes. One of the top 2018 legislative priorities for The Arc Minnesota is to support the bonding bill proposal of the Homes For All coalition, which is comprised of 170 organizations who share your concern about affordable housing. The bill numbers are  S.F.2939 and H.F. 3125. Some of the provisions of the proposal include $140 million in new bonding for affordable housing, that would maintain or create housing for 4,650 individuals, create over 2,000 jobs and provide matching funds for up to $346 million in funding for housing.


A $10 million appropriation is also being proposed through the state budget that would  make available $6 million for homeless prevention, $2 million in matching funds for cities that start new affordable housing trust funds, and $2 million for other programs benefiting low income people.


If you would like to assist with helping to pass the bills, we have postcards that can be mailed to legislators we can send you and we will be organizing people to come to the Tuesday at the Capitol event on April 17.  RSVP for the event here.


If you have a question about affordable housing policies or other housing questions,  please call The Arc Minnesota at 952-920-0855 or email