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Ask An Advocate: Healthcare Benefits at Age 18

Q. I have a daughter who has Autism and is turning 18 years old tomorrow.  I would like to help her maintain her medical benefits. She is currently on Medical Assistance (MA)-TEFRA, and I pay a monthly parental fee. I am concerned she will lose her healthcare benefits at age 18. Do I need to do something right away?

A. MA-TEFRA is for young adults up to age 19. While you do not need to take immediate action so your daughter stays on the TEFRA program, you still need to pay the parental fee. There are a few things we suggest that will help prepare you both for the transition in the future.

  • Review our ArcGuide to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to learn more about applying for SSI for your daughter; if she is approved for SSI benefits she could be eligible for disability-based MA, and you would no longer pay a parental fee.
  • Watch our “Medical Assistance & Social Security at age 18” webinar on our YouTube page at
  • Call your daughter’s county financial worker with questions about her transition from MA-TEFRA to another Medical Assistance program at age 19.
  • Check out Disability Benefits 101 for information about SSI and MA for your daughter.

As always, you can give us a call at (952) 920-0855 or send your questions through “Ask an Advocate” on our website.