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Ask An Advocate: Medical Assistance (MA) in Minnesota

Q: I have health insurance through my work, but the monthly premium costs a lot. My case manager told me to apply for a program called Medical Assistance, but I don’t really know where to start. What does Medical Assistance do? How can I learn more?


A: Medicaid, called Medical Assistance (MA) in Minnesota, is a health care program for different groups of people—children, pregnant women and people with disabilities. If you have health insurance through work, you can still apply for MA. It may cover therapies and services that your work insurance does not and may cover some of the things you pay for when you use a healthcare service, like a co-pay. Medical Assistance also pays for disability services through your county.


  • To learn more, read the Arc Guide to Medical Assistance at call us at (952) 920-0855 with questions.
  • Watch, a collection of videos from the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. They highlight individual’s stories about the impact Medical Assistance has had on them and their families’ lives.