Q. I just found out that I have the chance to move from a group home into my own apartment within miles of my family in northern Minnesota. I have been hoping to live independently, near my family for a long time. I have saved and I am able to pay for movers, a security deposit, and my rent each month. Even though I have been planning to move, this opportunity happened sooner than expected. Now I need some basic housewares to get settled into my apartment. Do you know of any resources to help me buy a few things so I can make meals and be comfortable?
A. That’s great news! The Minnesota Microgrant Partnership may be able to help you get settled into your apartment. Money is available for adults on a waiver, or youth 16+ whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) has them spending most of the day with students with disabilities, to reach their goals. Your goal is related to independent, accessible housing, but funds are also available for goals including competitive employment and community inclusion. Getting settled in your own apartment can be expensive. You seem like you have a strong application since funds are meant to help people get tools to reach their person-centered goals. You can call us at 952.920.0855 with questions about microgrants or waivers. Find more information about microgrants here.