We are all distinct individuals with our own likes and dislikes; we all have different opinions and beliefs. It is important to know who we are and what we believe in. If we know what is important to us and the things we care about, we can share that with others. Knowing who we are can help us speak up for ourselves and support others to speak up for themselves too. That is what Self-Advocacy is all about.
You are invited to a gathering for Self-Advocates on Saturday, October 7, 2017 from 8 am to 4 pm. The day will include workshops and speakers and you will have the chance to learn more about who you are. The day will be filled with activities that will help you become more confident in yourself. If you would like to bring a guest (a loved one or support staff) they are more than welcome too! Space is limited to 50 Self-Advocates (and up to 50 guests) so please register today! Learn more and register here.