In an article appearing in the March 17th, 2019 edition of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, entitled, “State’s Promise of Dignity Broken,” author Chris Serres highlights the results of a recent quality of life survey conducted among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The article states that the survey “findings underscore the challenges ahead for the administration of Gov. Tim Walz, as it seeks to implement a state plan to move people out of segregated settings, help them live more independently and participate in community life.” The Minnesota Olmstead Plan was adopted in 2018 to achieve the goals as described in the article. Read the full article
If you are looking for a more integrated lifestyle with a job or a home of your own, advocates at The Arc Minnesota can provide information and assistance in understanding the choices that are available today, and help you navigate the processes to achieve your goals. Contact a Regional Office by phone or email, or submit your question online by submitting an Ask An Advocate form.