Carmen is a brand new Family Mentor with the Peer to Peer Mentor Program. Carmen says,
“I have four sons, three of whom have autism. I’ve seen their ups and downs related to employment. They’ve faced challenges like underemployment and unfair questioning about their disabilities.
However, that has not stopped them from pursuing their goals. My sons have different goals like working in voice over, becoming a train engineer, and pursuing a career as a DJ. Supporting them in their activities is important. This includes everything from theatre production to getting a brakeman’s license. We do this because their jobs give them pride and independence. I would tell other families if you can identify their dream, success will follow.”
Carmen Edman
Family Mentor
Join us on Wednesday, September 25th for a discussion on employment and supporting loved ones on their job journeys. Carmen will share her personal experiences including the ups and downs of her sons’ journeys. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. This is a wonderful chance to connect with other families and find support.
Date & Time: September 25th 5:30PM-6:30PM
Location: Virtual Event:
Audience: Parents and family members