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Capitol Connector Snapshot: September 3, 2021

Blog Post: Waiver Reimagine Phase II

By Julia Burkstaller, The Arc Public Policy Director

What is Waiver Reimagine?

Waiver Reimagine is going to make changes to Minnesota’s four disability waivers. It will make Minnesota’s waiver system easier for people who have disabilities and their families to understand. The changes will come in two parts—Phase I and Phase II. Phase I was passed in 2019 and Phase II was passed in June 2021.

What is part of Phase II?

Phase II will reshape the four disability waiver programs in a two-waiver structure. One waiver is for people who live in homes of their own, or with family. The second waiver will be for people who live in group homes and other provider-controlled places.

Phase II will also include budgets so people can see how much money they have for different services. It gives people a way to look at and manage their balances and an online planning tool. This online planning tool with help people track their budget, what services they can get, and what services they have used before.


Updates from Washington D.C.


From The Arc US:

Infrastructure Package and Budget Resolution

Last week, the House passed a package that will spend $400 billion in Home and Community Based Services. Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) provides care to meet the needs of people who prefer long-term services and supports.

From the Minnesota Housing Partnership:

Congress is going to craft a $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. A reconciliation package means that there will be a big change in government spending. Please urge your member of Congress to support these housing priorities: 1. end homelessness with a $180 billion assistance 2. $70 billion for public housing 3. $45 billion for the National Housing Trust Fund to build and keep affordable housing for people 4. Affordable housing tax credit should be bigger and better.

From Our Friends at the Association of People with Disabilities:

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act passes the House on 8/24/21

The American Association of People with Disabilities celebrated the passing of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the U.S. House. This act will protect the voting rights of disabled people, people of color, and disabled people of color.


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