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Ask An Advocate: Person-Centered Quality Review

Q: What is a Person-Centered Quality Review?


A: The Arc Minnesota was appointed as a key partner with the Department of Human Services and the State Quality Council to develop a Regional Quality Council for the Metro area.


The Regional Quality Council is made up of individuals with disabilities, family members, community members, service providers and representatives from the Department of Human Services and the Office of the Ombudsman.


The Regional Quality Councils will be using a Person-Centered Quality Review tool to talk with people who are receiving home and community based services. The names of individuals who are receiving home and community services in Dakota, Hennepin and Scott county will be randomly selected and contacted by a staff of the Regional Quality Council to ask if they would like to participate in the review. Participation in the interview is optional and will not affect the services individuals currently receive.  


The review will be a conversation with the person to help assess how much choice and control the individual has over areas of their life, such as where they live, work and their daily routine. Individuals who participate in the review will receive a summary of their scored interview and responses. The responses from the reviews will help us find out how the services and supports are working for individuals with disabilities, set goals to improve services and supports and make recommendations back to the State Quality Council and the Department of Human Services.



The Regional Quality Councils will be conducting the Person-Centered Quality Reviews with individuals who are randomly selected, but individuals that receive Home and Community Based Services that live in Dakota, Hennepin or Scott county may also request a review.


If you have any questions about the Regional Quality Council or are interested in volunteering with the review process, check out the Regional Quality Council website or contact Kayla Nance at or 952-915-3669.