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“Am I ready to vote in the General Election?” Checklist

Are you ready to vote? The General Election is the main election and takes place on Tuesday, November 

Am I ready to vote in the General Election checklist3rd. During this election, we will have the chance to vote for our president, members of Congress in Washington D.C., and all of our state legislators here in Minnesota.


Make sure you’re ready to vote with the Arc Minnesota’s checklist. Check them off below!


1. Am I registered to vote?

Check here: https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/VoterStatus.aspx

If not, you can register on Election Day at your polling place. Bring proof of residence: https://bit.ly/2P2I7AN 


2. Do I know the candidates on my ballot?

Enter your address to find the candidates running for the offices in your area. Access your Sample Ballot: https://myballotmn.sos.state.mn.us/ 


3. How am I voting?

Did you know that you can vote early by mail-in ballot? This way, you won’t even have to go to the polls! Mail-in ballots (also called absentee ballots) need to be in the mail TODAY 10/27 to make sure that your vote is counted on time


On Election Day, you have two options to vote. Vote inside of the polling place. Or, vote from your car. Two election judges from different parties will bring a ballot to you in your car. Both are secure ways to vote, choose what’s best for you. 


4. Where is my polling place?

Find your polling place. Poll finder: https://pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/


5. How am I getting to the polling place?

Check that you have transportation to the polling place. Confirm bus or light rail routes. If you plan to carpool, check-in with them this week, etc. 


6. Is someone helping me vote?

You can bring anyone (except someone from your employer or union) that you choose to help you vote. Election judges will also be available to help you at the polling place. However, no one can tell you who to vote for.


7. If I don’t use a pen, do I know what ballot-marking machines I will use?

Ballot marking machines are used if you cannot, or choose not, to vote using a pen. There are three (3) types of ballot-marking machines in Minnesota. The type of ballot marking machine that will be at your polling place depends on your district. Learn more here: https://bit.ly/39jPH3c 


8. Do I know my voting rights?

You have many rights! You have the right to vote even if you are under guardianship (unless a judge has taken away your right to vote), to take time off work to vote, to get a new ballot if you make a mistake, and to file a complaint. If someone tries to deny your right to vote, know that only a judge can take away your right to vote. Get to know all your rights here: https://bit.ly/2ZR8Vdf 


9. If my right to vote is denied, what can I do?

If your rights are not respected, or if there is an accessibility barrier when voting, you can file a complaint here: https://bit.ly/2D0CXCx  

You can also get help from Justin Page, Staff Attorney at Legal Aid, at 612-746-3785